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Cadbury, 736[^]2002 Star Bar 49g

D.O.B : 1976 Height: 10cm Weight: 49g Body type: Sort of chewy, sort of crunchy. Siblings: Twisted,
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Cadbury, 736[^]2002 Star Bar 49g
D.O.B : 1976 Height: 10cm Weight: 49g Body type: Sort of chewy, sort of crunchy. Siblings: Twisted, Double Decker. About me: Hi, my name is Star Bar although through in early 90s I went by the name of Peanut Boost. On the surface Im all smooth but peek inside and youll find Im filled with crunchy peanuts and creamy caramel. Nutrients I can offer you: 1125kJ energy Carbohydrate 27.5g 270kcal Fat 15.4g Protein 5.2g Fibre 0.8g

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